Welcome to Pen and Moon! I’m Theresa Jarosz Alberti, but… who am I, really? Good question, and one I’ve actually been pondering lately in the midst of an existential crisis (of sorts) (it’s probably a mid-life kind of thing) (I’ll be okay though). 

Here’s a couple of highlights:

  • I’m a writer. I’ve been writing since I was 10 and I have the old journals in my quivery penmanship to prove it. I’ve written a lot of stuff and have big plans for more. You can hop around this website to see what I’ve written.

  • I’m a mom to 3 great adult kids, and living in a house a few blocks from the Mississippi River. One huge silly cat.

  • I’m into making art and art journaling, cooking, playing games, taking walks, making things, exercising (yeah, I actually like it), movies, the Indigo Girls, thrift stores, buying pens and notebooks, and I’m a therapy nerd.

  • And reading! I love fiction but also get caught up in self-help books. I’m a big fan of children’s and young adult lit, with the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace being my favorite since I was a kid. Yeah, I’ve even gone to the conventions in Mankato, and have been on a listserv about these books since the early 90s. Yep, that’s me!