musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Poetry Challenge – Day 14

Welcome to Day 14 of my 30-Day Poetry Challenge!

Comment on today’s poem to win a copy of my poetry book, “(After) Confession… I’m giving away a copy every day. Scroll down below the poem for more details about this Poetry Challenge.

But first, congratulations, Rita, for winning a free copy of my poetry book! (I do a raffle from those who commented on yesterday’s post.) Rita, please email me your address so I can send your prize:

Now onto today’s poem. Don’t forget to comment, and check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!

 *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Somedays, this is just the way things go…

Lost in April Blizzard


Snow falls in thick clumps,
a sideways wicked wind,
the world a whirling blur of white outside my window.
All four cats curled up in tight caterpillar balls,
hibernating in corners alone.
We are back to January, 3 steps back,
weather we joke about, hope to survive.
I watch this snowglobe-on-steroids,
mesmerized by the wild dance,
avoiding the other white before me:

So pretty… just not what we want!

Blank. Screen.
I can make
a roast chicken today,
bread dough is rising,
clean the sink shiny,
just can’t come up with words.

I hope they are waiting somewhere,
maybe cold, shivering, covered in inches of snow,
tiny seeds planted out there, I hope…
oh Spring, where are you now?

 *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


  • I’m writing and posting a new poem every day through the month of April (yikes!), for better or worse.
  • AND, as a gift, I’m giving away a copy of my poetry book EVERY DAY this month. FREE!
  • Sign up to WIN a copy of (After) Confession by just leaving a comment beneath the poem of the day.
  • I will pick a winner every day in April! So comment every day for a new chance to win.

OR, you can purchase your own copy of (After) Confession for the new low price of $9.00 USD, shipping and handling included! Click here to read sample poems and purchase a copy.

April is National Poetry Month, which was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996.

This month’s posts are part of the  NaPoWriMo challenge — that’s National Poetry Writing Month. At, you’ll find links to other participating writers and their poetry. AND daily writing prompts for inspiration to write your own poems. Check them out.

I’m so looking forward to your comments–  it doesn’t have to be about the poem. Write anything, share the name of your favorite poet or poem, write about the weather, whatever! And thanks for reading.

**Subscribe to Pen and Moon to receive easy updates by email. See the Subscribe link in the sidebar>>>  or at the bottom of this page.

Photo credit: Stephen Ellis and Filip Bunkens, courtesy of


  1. Terri

    This pretty much describes how almost everyone in Minnesota feels today. I wonder how many of us made bread today?

    • Theresa Alberti

      It was such a strange weekend… and really, we hadn’t had a blustery blizzard of that sort in quite awhile, though we have had a lot of snow. It was a weather experience. Making bread and staying cozy were sure the best options!

  2. Chris

    This is beautiful! So reflects our day. The quietness of the insulating snow with the conflict of inner goals. Difficult to do work when we want to sip tea and coffee …curl up like the cats. You have inspired me to get to work and grade my labs!

    • Theresa Alberti

      Thanks so much, Chris…. I’m glad you got inspired to do your stuff. (Did you see that you are one of the winners? Check out Day 16.)

  3. Andy

    Love the cats-as-caterpillars imagery. Means they’re waiting to become something more joyous and frantic.

    • Theresa Alberti

      Thanks– when they’re quiet like that, so curled up and furry… I like the idea of them becoming joyous and frantic!

  4. Ann Hobbs

    Mesmerized by the wild dance. Ahh!

    • Theresa Alberti

      The dance of the weather– sometimes calm and sometimes frantic!

  5. Doni

    This poem is my favorite so far. On many levels. One, I can visualize the setting so clearly. Two because I’m so glad it finally stopped snowing where I live. And three because the only time I really think I should start cleaning is when there is something else I’m putting off.

    • Theresa Alberti

      Thanks for reading, Doni! And don’t you know it– cleaning suddenly seems appealing when I’m avoiding something else.

  6. Sharon

    Your word-seeds didn’t sprout in the variety required for this prompt, but they did sprout!

    I love to cook and bake when the weather is less than ideal.

    • Theresa Alberti

      Isn’t that a fun image, “word-seeds?” Maybe I just have to water them and they’ll grow. And not angst over them so much!

  7. Jennifer D-K

    I read this right after your poem juxtaposing couples therapy and soupy noodles. Another great juxtaposition – the winter-white world and your blank screen. How little control we have over anything.

    • Theresa Alberti

      So true. Sometimes I hate that, but I’m learning to be more present in what’s happening, sometimes…

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