musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Tag: gratitude (Page 1 of 2)

Poetry Challenge Day 3: The Best I Can Do

Getting in my Day 3 poem a bit late in the day. I’ll keep this introduction brief– I think the poem says it all!

The Best I Can Do

is one of those days
when the writing prompt is “delight”
and my mind is a blank.
Outside my window
it is still crusty gray winter in April.
Spring seems far away
and I’ve been dragged through
some hard times for quite a while.
Haven’t we all?
My mood is low
and the cruel weasels in my head
are too loud. Continue reading

In Which I Get My Feet Back

Imagine my surprise when I looked down my legs this morning and noticed that my feet had come back to me. I’m not quite sure where they had gone, but for the last 9 weeks since my knee replacement surgery, they had somehow been replaced by Strange Feet that I didn’t recognize at all. Perhaps a hobbit had kindly loaned them to me? Except they weren’t hairy. What they were: big, puffy, scaly, rough, plump, enlarged. They were swollen so big that I called them my Giant Baby Feet. You know how babies’ feet look round and plump with their little toes sticking up? Cute on a baby… weird on a grownup. Continue reading

Recovery, and Life’s Little Circles

Greetings from Day 10 after my knee replacement! I’m learning that recovery after a surgery like this is not for the faint of heart. I knew going in that it was going to be hard and take time, but now that I’m actually in it, I’m understanding it in a much deeper way. The new knee itself hurts, and yet you HAVE TO use it, walk on it, do your PT, if you want it to get better and have a good range of movement. So suck it up, Buttercup; it will pay off before you know it. Continue reading

Poetry Challenge – Day 20

Welcome to Day 20 of my 30-Day Poetry Challenge!

Comment on today’s poem to win a copy of my poetry book, “(After) Confession… I’m giving away a copy every day. Scroll down below the poem for more details about this Poetry Challenge.

Sorry, no winner today. Comments have dwindled… SO, now’s a great time to try! Just comment on a post and you will most likely be a Winner! Don’t be shy!  

Now onto today’s poem. Don’t forget to comment, and check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!

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More of a prose-poem, but I wanted to commemorate the Purple One and this is how it took shape. And yes, it was super-cool to stand in front of his purple-coat-outfit at the museum, and see the early photos of him on display!


On Seeing Prince’s Purple Rain Costume on Display at the Weissman, the Eve of the 2nd Anniversary of His Death Continue reading

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