musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Tag: winter (Page 1 of 2)

Poetry Challenge Day 8: “Minnesota, Weather-or-Not”

Busy today… my kitchen needed a major clean-up to prep for Easter brunch tomorrow (see yesterday’s poem about the food!). Today’s poem is a haiku about the weather. We seem to be going from snow a week ago to temps in the 60s-70s-80s this week. Crazy! I rather prefer a gentle spring with buds and blooms leisurely waking up, but we don’t always get what we prefer.  Here’s the quick poem.

Minnesota, Weather-or-Not

Winter melts away.
Just add sun, instant summer!
Where will spring blooms go?


Photos by Rhae and DominikRH of

The Bear Awakens

Greetings from the doorway of my cave of hibernation. That’s what it’s felt like for the last many months, hunkered down in my house, Okay, maybe I wasn’t really sequestered in some self-imposed solitary confinement or sleeping the winter away, but I was definitely going through some big shifts that kept me from poking out my head much on social media. I was still staying social by zooming with friends and seeing family, running some basic errands, but the winter was kinda brutal and I stayed home a lot, grateful for my youngest son living with me and being around to talk and hug.

Spring wasn’t helping much either. Instead of being a hopeful time of new greenness, we had so many cold gray days that it felt like a continuation of winter. It’s only been the last two weeks where we’ve gotten some sun and warmth (YAY!), and in that all-or-nothing climate-change way, of course it jumped right into the 80s and even 90 last week. Sheesh! But this post isn’t really about the weather. My own internal weather is more like it. Continue reading

A Month of Hibernating

For such a short month, February has felt long this year. Almost all of my time has been spent sitting in my house, in an armchair, recovering from my second knee replacement on January 29th. I knew how this was going to be. I’d tell people, “February is a good month to stay inside.” Which is true. The reality of the experience isn’t as cozy as that sounds. Continue reading

Poetry Challenge – Day 15

Welcome to Day 15 of my 30-Day Poetry Challenge!  

HALF-WAY!  WOO HOO!  (sorry, just need to celebrate this little milestone…)

Comment on today’s poem to win a copy of my poetry book, “(After) Confession… I’m giving away a copy every day. Scroll down below the poem for more details about this Poetry Challenge.

But first, congratulations, Pamie, for winning a free copy of my poetry book! (I do a raffle from those who commented on yesterday’s post.) Pamie, please email me your address so I can send your prize:

Now onto today’s poem. Don’t forget to comment, and check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!

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The weather seems to be affecting my topics lately, as we are in the midst of a crazy mega-blizzard weekend in Minnesota, in April!

My Skin Forgets Continue reading

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