So many books have had such a huge impact on my life… here is a selection I highly recommend.
(All book images are clickable links.)
These books have helped me make a paradigm shift away from the toxic messages our culture gives us, and instead, healing my relationship to myself, eating, beauty and my body. Impactful!
Fiction — old and new favorites.
My all-time favorite children’s book series is the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. I re-read these beloved tomes many times growing up, and continued into adulthood. Then I found an online community of others who were also big fans. Don’t miss them!
Sometimes I dive down deep into the self-help category… The ones I have absolutely learned the most from, and I honestly say that they have changed my life, are by Brene Brown’s. Watch her TedTalk on Vulnerability, along with the other 30 Million people who have seen it. Here are some of her books, as well as other self-help books that have helped me lots.
Books on writing — there are so many good ones. These are my favorites, the ones that inspire me and help with my craft and writing life.
If you suffer with chronic pain or know someone who does, check out this book! The research, information, options and resources shared by author Jennifer Kane is worth gold.
Other favorite kid and YA fiction…
Nonfiction Favorites
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