musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Poetry Challenge – Day 9

 Welcome to Day 9 of my 30-Day Poetry Challenge!

Comment on today’s poem to win a copy of my poetry book, “(After) Confession… I’m giving away a copy every day. Scroll down below the poem for more details about this Poetry Challenge.

But first, congratulations, Ann R. K, for winning a free copy of my poetry book! (I do a raffle from those who commented on yesterday’s post.) Ann, I’ll message you about delivering your prize.

Now onto today’s poem. Don’t forget to comment, and check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!

 *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

This one is for my writer-friend Shari, after the discussion we were having in the pool today. And a shoutout to all my Pool Pals!

Lessons from the Pool


After years of taking classes on land
–aerobics, circuit, step, spin, yoga–
I found a home in chlorinated waters,
the pool at the YW. Classes there
attract a softer-sort, those with more
time for the shower,
usually not hard-bodies ready
to run out the door when
class is done.

Our Planet is 71% water, our bodies
are 60%. All life came from the water.
It is our primal place–  oceans, seas,
lakes, rivers, ponds, and yes,
the neighborhood pool. There’s
wisdom in water, lessons that
easily apply to life on land
as well, such as…

Most of the time, it’s better to just jump in.
You’ll feel good once you get moving.
Weight really does not matter.
You are supported, so lay back and relax.
Stay in your own lane– don’t compare
yourself to others.
Floating is still doing something, and
a necessary survival skill.
Share the lane– there’s room for everyone.
Good, hard work doesn’t have to hurt… water
provides resistance.
It’s always worth it to make time for the hot tub.
Self care is important– water is tough
on skin, hair and nails.
The locker room reveals the truth– we all have
human bodies underneath our clothes: nudity
is vulnerable and powerful, imperfect bodies,
all sizes, shapes and colors. We are different
and yet the same, our lives equal parts
mystery and magic on this wild,
wacky, wet ride.

 *     *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


  • I’m writing and posting a new poem every day through the month of April (yikes!), for better or worse.
  • AND, as a gift, I’m giving away a copy of my poetry book EVERY DAY this month. FREE!
  • Sign up to WIN a copy of (After) Confession by just leaving a comment beneath the poem of the day.
  • I will pick a winner every day in April! So comment every day for a new chance to win.

OR, you can purchase your own copy of (After) Confession for the new low price of $9.00 USD, shipping and handling included! Click here to read sample poems and purchase a copy.

April is National Poetry Month, which was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996.

This month’s posts are part of the  NaPoWriMo challenge — that’s National Poetry Writing Month. At, you’ll find links to other participating writers and their poetry. AND daily writing prompts for inspiration to write your own poems. Check them out.

I’m so looking forward to your comments–  it doesn’t have to be about the poem. Write anything, share the name of your favorite poet or poem, write about the weather, whatever! And thanks for reading.

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Photo credit: Kristopher Roller, and Bruce Christianson, courtesy of


  1. Sharon

    I really like the lessons learned from water. I need the reminder sometimes not to compare myself to others and self-care is important and probably most especially that its usually better just to jump in!

    • Theresa Alberti

      Thanks– it’s fun to think about how practical lessons learned in one part of life can apply to other parts!

  2. Shari

    Weight does not matter in the water. Turn and burn. Recover. Life lessons in the pool. Thanks for the conversation in the pool and in the showers, Theresa. We keep each other afloat in the water and on land. Love the challenge!

    • Theresa Alberti

      Oh thanks, Shari– I loved our talk too! And yes, we do keep each other afloat. It’s great talking writing with you.

  3. Nora Jane Krahn

    Love this! Another lesson for me is keeping my head above water….
    The weightless factor gives me freedom too.

    • Theresa Alberti

      Oh, I like that, keeping our head above water! Thanks, Nora!

  4. Jennifer D-K

    Lessons learned! So many! Who knew? This is VERY cool, Theresa!

    • Theresa Alberti

      There are many lessons to be learned just from working out these bodies. 🙂

  5. Serena

    So much good stuff here. Two favorites, though:

    “Floating is still doing something, and
    a necessary survival skill”


    “The locker room reveals the truth”

    Your rockin’ it, Theresa! Woot!

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