musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Tag: Haiku

Poetry Challenge Day 8: “Minnesota, Weather-or-Not”

Busy today… my kitchen needed a major clean-up to prep for Easter brunch tomorrow (see yesterday’s poem about the food!). Today’s poem is a haiku about the weather. We seem to be going from snow a week ago to temps in the 60s-70s-80s this week. Crazy! I rather prefer a gentle spring with buds and blooms leisurely waking up, but we don’t always get what we prefer.  Here’s the quick poem.

Minnesota, Weather-or-Not

Winter melts away.
Just add sun, instant summer!
Where will spring blooms go?


Photos by Rhae and DominikRH of

Poetry Challenge Day 2: Why I Live Here

When winter goes long, like it is this year here, it’s good to remember why I live here. I’m not that fond of snow and ice and freezing temperatures, but I don’t want to move away. For me, the pros outweigh the cons.

Today’s prompt was to read more about the history of haiku and then to write 3 of them. I ended up writing 4 just to say what I wanted to say.  They’re short!

Why I Live Here:  Minneapolis Haiku


House in the city.
Wilderness is all around.
Urban meets forest. Continue reading

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