musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

The Non-Perfect Blog

I have been wanting to blog for a long time now… ideas have flitted through my mind, things I’m going through, topics that would be good for me to write about, and yet, nada. I write in my journal all the time, squeak out a few poems, but Pen and Moon has sat here, patiently waiting. And waiting. Twiddling its thumbs, occasionally sighing, but mostly, sitting in a Buddha-meditation pose and waiting for me.

Here’s the deal–  what’s getting in my way is just plain ol’ PERFECTIONISM.  I want to get it right, have it be beautiful, the bestest photos, the most thought-provoking and scintillating words. That’s what I’ve tried to do in the past. I like doing quality work, but the A+ mentality I’ve had all my life can really get in the way of just getting something done that’s good enough.  As Bob likes to say (quoting Voltaire): “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”  And that’s what keeps tripping me up, here and in many other parts of my life. Perfectionism paralyzes me, keeps me from getting anything done–  “good enough” makes me anxious, keeps me walking on a tight rope in fear of falling off.

So I’m here today with the goal of getting back to blogging and letting it be a Non-Perfect Blog. I have a lot going on in my life right now– detours and crises, and I am up to my elbows in a place I hadn’t anticipated being. I’m deep into working on shit right now. It’s hard, it’s good, and I’ve got a lot to process and share. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Imperfectly.  So, stay tuned if you’re interested. I’ll be writing more soon!


  1. Albatross

    I was actually quoting B. Lester.

  2. Jean Bay Wiley

    Yes, do give yourself permission to write imperfect blog posts. I, for one, will follow and read. Lord knows, my own blog posts are imperfect enough!

    • Theresa Alberti

      Thanks, dear Jean! I appreciate the encouragement. 🙂

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