Welcome to Day 11 of my 30-Day Poetry Challenge!
Comment on today’s poem to win a copy of my poetry book, “(After) Confession… I’m giving away a copy every day. Scroll down below the poem for more details about this Poetry Challenge.
But first, congratulations, Nora K, for winning a free copy of my poetry book! (I do a raffle from those who commented on yesterday’s post.) Nora, please email me your address so I can send your prize: theresa.sapphire@gmail.com
Now onto today’s poem. Don’t forget to comment, and check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!
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Today’s prompt: write a poem that addresses the future, answering the questions “What does y(our) future provide? What is your future state of mind? If you are a citizen of the “union” that is your body, what is your future “state of the union” address?”
I give you a prose poem… (with a little help from President Obama’s second State of the Union, 2010, in the first three stanzas, and the last).
The State of My Union
Madam Speaker, Vice President Brain, members of this Body of Congress, distinguished Heart, Lungs, Limbs, and all fellow Body Parts:
Our Constitution declares that from time to time, the Soul President of Intellect
shall give to this Body of Congress information about the State of My Union.
For 53 years, our leaders have fulfilled this duty. They’ve done so during times of growth and tranquility. And they’ve done so in the midst of trauma and depression; at moments of great strife and great struggle.
We’ve witnessed periods of low self-worth, the rampage of an eating disorder, a host of dysfunctional relationships, rejections, body-shame, a near-divorce unleashing a well of grief.
But also the ineffable courage and fortitude of rising beyond these challenges, including raising 3 children with love and an eye towards breaking historical patterns; the hard humble work of building and re-building a marriage; decades of therapy to undo damage and learn to live in awareness and compassion; dismantling an eating disorder whilst living in a diet-crazy body-shaming culture; never letting go of the dream to write and create; and fundamentally, learning to deeply love Myself.
The future is ultimately unpredictable. Health, including mental, physical and emotional well-being are a big priority and we will stride forth and persevere. There are dreams to pursue, countries around the world to travel to, books and poems to write, and people of the world to connect with. We are grateful for the opportunities afforded us, and we endeavor to make this world a better place, for us and others. This is the work of the Heart.
We won’t quit. Let’s seize this moment, to start anew, carry this dream forward, and to strengthen My Union once more.
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- I’m writing and posting a new poem every day through the month of April (yikes!), for better or worse.
- AND, as a gift, I’m giving away a copy of my poetry book EVERY DAY this month. FREE!
- Sign up to WIN a copy of (After) Confession by just leaving a comment beneath the poem of the day.
- I will pick a winner every day in April! So comment every day for a new chance to win.
OR, you can purchase your own copy of (After) Confession for the new low price of $9.00 USD, shipping and handling included! Click here to read sample poems and purchase a copy.
April is National Poetry Month, which was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996.
This month’s posts are part of the NaPoWriMo challenge — that’s National Poetry Writing Month. At NaPoWriMo.net, you’ll find links to other participating writers and their poetry. AND daily writing prompts for inspiration to write your own poems. Check them out.
I’m so looking forward to your comments– it doesn’t have to be about the poem. Write anything, share the name of your favorite poet or poem, write about the weather, whatever! And thanks for reading.
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Photo credit: Theresa Alberti, and Katie Moum courtesy of Unsplash.com
Another beautiful poem which shares your journey in such a revealing and honest way. You have come out ahead in a sometimes mean and negative world. But you show hope and the beautiful person that. you are above all.
Thanks for that sweet comment, Linda!
What a great exercise! This definitely is a creative workout, Theresa. Thanks for this… I will be reading this outloud, I think. More than once… (The opening line is FABulous!)
Yes, this challenge sure has that marathon-feel, just like NaNoWriMo after you get a week into it and you are putting one foot in front of the other and still know you have miles and miles to go! 13 down, 17 more to go…