musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Tag: poetry (Page 2 of 8)

Poetry Challenge Day 10: (Prose Poem) “Spring Memories”

Ten days! One-third of the month done. I think I’m finding my rhythm, wait, don’t jinx it.

Today’s prompt is to write a prose poem, something I’m not that familiar with. The website explains:

“Though the name of the form may appear to be a contradiction, the prose poem essentially appears as prose, but reads like poetry.” Sounds simple, but, as editor Peter Johnson says:

“Just as black humor straddles the fine line between comedy and tragedy, so the prose poem plants one foot in prose, the other in poetry, both heels resting precariously on banana peels.”

So here goes, my feet on the banana peels! Continue reading

Poetry Challenge Day 9: “Moon-Love”

Today’s prompt was to write a poem about the moon– what, you want me to write about one of my favorite topics? I’ve got a few moon poems already, and this website isn’t named Pen and Moon for nothing. The trick is to find something new-ish to say.  Here’s what I came up with.


In my mind
the moon was about men for too long.
The man in the moon, we all heard that
when finding the golden face in the sky.
I was 4 when the first man walked on the moon,
watching the grainy footage on a black-and-white TV.
I didn’t really understand, but my dad was excited,
so I knew it was big.  Continue reading

Poetry Challenge Day 8: “Minnesota, Weather-or-Not”

Busy today… my kitchen needed a major clean-up to prep for Easter brunch tomorrow (see yesterday’s poem about the food!). Today’s poem is a haiku about the weather. We seem to be going from snow a week ago to temps in the 60s-70s-80s this week. Crazy! I rather prefer a gentle spring with buds and blooms leisurely waking up, but we don’t always get what we prefer.  Here’s the quick poem.

Minnesota, Weather-or-Not

Winter melts away.
Just add sun, instant summer!
Where will spring blooms go?


Photos by Rhae and DominikRH of

Poetry Challenge Day 7: “Sausage Links”

Today’s poem was inspired by the errand I ran, in preparation for family Easter traditions. The poem explains it all, hope you enjoy!

Sausage Links

It’s a few days before Easter.
The kids will be coming for brunch.
I head downtown to Kramarczuk’s,
the Eastern European deli my relatives
have always worshipped. Both sides
of my family are Polish, and sausage
is a requirement for every holiday.
Not just any sausage: these long,
smoky, garlicky links, hand-made,
authentic Old World, a savory splurge.  Continue reading

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