musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Of Strangers and Miracles

This week I was at the health clinic, for one of my many appointments lately. I was done and waiting near the door for valet parking to deliver my car. An older woman caught my eye and smiled and commented on the lively piano music that was playing covers of popular songs, that she liked it. We chitchatted back-and-forth a little in that friendly Minnesota way. Behind me was a wall of glass looking into the entry/exit way.

The woman went up close to the glass and waved, and when I looked over my shoulder and older curly haired man pressed his face close to the glass and made some faces at her. She laughed and said “I know him.“ Then he came inside and gave her a kiss and we 3 started talking— casual, jokey, teasing. They were definitely in a good mood. She turned to me and said that they’d received good news today. Then she proceeded to tell me their story. After being very sick for a long time, he’d have a liver transplant two years ago, and today they had heard that everything was working great. She told me that they’d had one possible liver donation fall through and they’ve been so discouraged and he was so sick, they didn’t know if he would make it. That night he asked if she would pray with him. They usually prayed alone, but this was what he needed. And shortly thereafter, a liver donation became available and he was able to get it. That was their miracle.

She took this rounded wooden cross out of her pocket and showed it to me, and he said he made these crosses after his transplant, 500 of them with the date of his miracle on them, and they give them away. The woman explained that she carried it in her pocket and it comforted her through all the hard things. Then she asked me if I wanted it, the one she’s been holding that day, waiting to see if they had good news. I thanked her and took it.

The Cross isn’t really a part of my spirituality anymore, but I was touched by their story, and I could use a miracle too, with some of the health stuff I’ve been dealing with. The man had made it so smooth and perfect to hold in your hand. He said he’d worked hard to make them that way. And then their car showed up and we said our goodbyes. I forgot to ask their names. But I just loved this interaction, and was so happy for them. Sometimes talking to strangers is the best!


  1. Serena Mira Asta

    What a great story! Funny, I didn’t see a cross when I first looked at the photo. I saw either a fish, or perhaps an ancient goddess image of life. any of those symbols work.

    • Theresa Alberti

      Yes, it could be any of those. I like that it is amorphous and open to interpretation. Thanks for reading, my friend.

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