musings, life lessons & poetry from Theresa Jarosz Alberti

Tag: blogging

Perfectionism Kicks My A** (again)

My new plan has been to blog 3 times a week. It’s a challenging idea (ack! what the heck will I write about?) that would move me in a direction I want to go with my writing. But last week, Dear Reader, I did not.

I had planned to. It was my intention to. Then I got anxious as the days of the week went by. I couldn’t settle on anything to write. A poem? An observation? Something funny? I dunno. I found myself repeatedly running away from the blank page and screen. Some might call it writer’s block, but truthfully, I knew what it really was:  perfectionism kicking my a** (again).

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Why Pen and Moon?

Naming a website is a little tricky.  There are a lot of questions to ask yourself–  do you want to just go for your real name?  What is easy for people to remember, or spell?  What will the name bring to mind and say about you?

I debated all these questions for awhile.  A lot of writers just use their name… but my name isn’t the easiest to spell out, especially when my nice Polish maiden name “Jarosz” is thrown in there.  I wanted to make it easy, keep it simple.

My former website was called “The Sapphire Pen,” and I still really like that.  I have been identified with “sapphire” on the web ever since my husband gave it to me for my computer handle back when we were first getting online before there really was an Internet in 1990 or so.  Sapphire is my birthstone, and he has one on his wedding band.  I like it, and I really thought hard about keeping The Sapphire Pen… ultimately and ironically, it was my husband who discouraged me.  Sapphire ends up being a little tricky with the double “p”s.  It’s just better to have something simple.

After brainstorming and playing around with combinations, I came up with Pen and Moon.  It certainly is easy to spell, and I like that it brings up an image, so maybe it can be easily remembered.  I still have a love affair with pens and writing by hand, even though so much writing happens on the computer now.  I feel connected to writing in a different kind of way when I’m doing it with a pen on paper.

The moon… well, I have a love affair with her, too!  The moon is featured in several of my poems (read a moon poem here), and I just feel a connection and a surge of excitement when I spot the moon in the sky.  There’s a big ol’ moon on the cover of my poetry book too (thanks to my daughter who painted that beautiful art for it).

I’m hoping the moon is out tonight for the Northern Spark event… a bunch of artsy and techno activities happening all over Minneapolis throughout the night.  Maybe I’ll bring along a pen and notebook to record some of it, too!

Just Like Starting Over…

Well, well, well!  Back to blogging after quite a hiatus.  I had started my old site, The Sapphire Pen, back in 2002… my daughter was 11, and it boggles my mind to think of it now, but she taught me how to build a website.  We were using rocks and sticks and pieces of flint– something like that, and I honestly can’t even remember how we did it.  Thanks to her, that site kept me flying and blogging for several years until something crashed and I could no longer edit pages.  Ah well… I knew I needed a new site anyway, using more modern tools, with a more professional look (I’m still working on that).  Thanks to the help of a wonderful friend who took a class on website creation, I’ve got this site now, coming together.  It’s exciting for me, a step forward and put myself out there as a writer.

It feels a little like getting up on new legs, a bit wobbly, but I’ll get in the swing of things soon.  I want to blog about a bunch of stuff, and maybe a pattern will eventually emerge, but for now I’m thinking or writing about my interests, in the hopes that some of it will interest others out there– like writing, cooking, life transformation, health & fitness, parenting, gardening, and we’ll see what else.

And now to see if I’ve figured out how to put up an entry!

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